I will be glad to discuss your goals for treatment and how I can be of help. I am most readily contacted by telephone at my Massachusetts office (617-448-6237). If you reach a voice mail response, please leave some times when I might best return your call. I will usually respond within 24 hours.
While email is also an option (by clicking on the link below), your confidentiality is best preserved by calling and speaking with me directly.
Phone: (617) 448-6237
After we have scheduled to meet, please print out the Mental Health Summary and Treatment Agreement below and bring them to your first appointment. Filling them out in advance will make it possible for us to use our time most productively in the first session.
If you are currently seeing a psychopharmacologist or primary care doctor who prescribes medications for anxiety or depression, or if, in the past year, you have seen a psychotherapist for individual, couples, or group therapy, it would also be useful to fill out the Release of Information form allowing the possibility of conferring about your treatment. (Please bring in the form, even if you are not yet sure you are ready for me to confer with other treatment providers.)