Group Therapy
Group psychotherapy is a special form of therapy in which a small number of people meet under the leadership of a professionally trained therapist to learn about themselves and improve their interpersonal relationships.
A therapy group provides an opportunity for you to meet with others to share problems or concerns, to better understand your own difficulties, and to learn from and with others. By working with others in this way, group therapy can address feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety and help group members make significant changes in the quality of their lives.
Group psychotherapy also enables you to examine your ways of interacting with others and to learn how you are perceived and experienced by them. You can then test alternative ways of interacting with the group members and obtain valuable feedback that will also be helpful in finding more effective ways of dealing with others outside of the group.
Men’s Group in Cambridge
An ongoing group for men, late 30s to mid 50s, is currently meeting in the Cambridge office alternate Wednesday evenings from 5:15 to 6:30 PM. Members are dealing with various aspects of relationship issues involving spouses/partners, family members, colleagues and business associates.